Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Change, But Doing Well

For the nearly-a-week since my last seizure, my sleep pattern has changed.
Instead of waking at 6:45 to my alarm, and either vegging for half an hour before taking a shower or sleeping in until 8, I now am waking up a 5:30 sharp, with no alarm, rather alert.

Yesterday evening I missed my evening medicine for the first time in years - not only forgetting to take it at the scheduled time, but not even remembering it at midnight when I can't get to sleep. I got to sleep about midnight, and woke up at 5:30 as now usual.

I had a couple of auras, one somewhat alarming, but neither feeling like a certain seizure, and neither becoming one.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frequency, Phase Changing

I've had a few weeks with no seizures, but now, I've had another.
I had a couple nights staying up later than usual, and today I had a couple of auras that Jon was able to dismiss.
However, I didn't take Ativan, and I spent about an hour on Facebook.