Friday, April 11, 2008

Two Seizures, Calming Down

Sunday I played Ultimate Frisbee with some friends after church, got rather tired, and, imprudently continued. After two games, twenty goals total, I started playing the third game and a seizure began. I was able to tell a friend before the relatively short aura ended and I went unconscious. I awoke later with him still sitting next to me, as a very good, helpful and faithful friend.

Rarely do I have one large seizure and not have another. Monday I had a seizure in front of the laptop I'm typing this blog on, with a rather short aura (conscious period of a seizure) again.

Since then, I have had several small auras every day, but no more have yet become grand mal.

I am very thankful for the weeks with no seizures, for the extreme conditions needed to start Sunday's seizure, that there was only one following seizure, and for the family and friends I have!

1 comment:

Bijan Nemati said...

Hi David

We can be very thankful that there has been no more seizures since then.
