Sunday, January 31, 2010

Trouble is Passing

I have had no more seizures this last week; thank you for your prayers.
I have continued to have auras, getting progressively fewer, smaller, and farther between.
I have also figured out why I had the seizures on Monday. The previous week I had a slight cold, and on Saturday the 23rd, when it was almost completely gone, I went on a service project with others on my floor, to help prepare a Habitat for Humanity house to be moved into. On that service project, I had a lot of fun and overexerted myself, breaking a shovel at one point.
Excessive exertion is my bane. The cold came back, and I had to rest all week, falling behind on homework and even missing a class.
I am getting better; yesterday morning I had no fever, though it came back in the afternoon, and today I am following my brother's advice and staying in bed most of the day, as he said a full day in bed will take about three days off of the recovery time.

I am having fun in my classes, especially Diffy Q. (that's how the professor said it's spelled when a student asked; I thought it was Diff. Eq., but apparently not), and the professors are very kind in allowing me to catch up.

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