Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Late Report on the Conference Call

Six days ago, I went to the Student Affairs building to meet with some of the LeTourneau University staff, and have a conference call with my parents.

There has been some disturbance because of my seizures - 8 seizures within 24 hours about seven weeks ago, and another seizure about one week ago. I have been relieved to hear that the seizure during Bib Lit (see previous post) was not followed by a post-ictal phase, but still, it was not comfortable for the university staff to hear that I had had another seizure.

During the conference call, it was brought up that it would probably be wise and considerate for me to move to a ground floor. (I am currently living on the only fourth floor on campus, named Eagles, but usually referred to as 4B.) I have many wonderful friends here on this floor, whom I would be very sad to move away from, and it stresses me to think about moving. However, it is undeniable that it would not be nice if I had seizures up here and paramedics were needed, and they had to carry a stretcher up three flights of stairs and back down with me on it.

I have talked with Mom, Dad, Sam, the hall RD, the floor RA, and other friends, and I'm thinking that I'll move to the ground floor straight below the floor I'm on right now at the end of this semester. So, the weekend before finals, I'll move all my belongings downstairs. (Hopefully I won't have TOO much cramming to do!) Multiple friends have told me that 1B, the floor I'll be moving to, is a very good one, with good friends to make, and that, plus the fact that I'll be able to study and spend time up on 4B with my [relatively] old friends is a comfort.

Thank you for your prayers! I recognize that God has blessed me a lot, giving me such a bounty of great friends, allowing me continued contact with them even though I have to move away, and giving me good friends to make when I move away.

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