Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Seizure Last Night, But Feeling OK

As you can see by the blog posts, I haven't had a seizure in about a month and a half, which is a good amount of time.

Last night, while the rest of the family went to our church caregroup, I stayed home to do school-work, and my sister Rachel stayed to watch a movie. At about 9PM, while Rachel was getting ready for bed, I felt a seizure coming on, and so I rushed to the phone and called Dad's cell phone. By the time he had picked it up though, I wasn't able to say much, but it was understood that I had a seizure, and I was safe in a chair until they came home, and gave me some extra medicine.

This morning I am doing pretty well, and though it has been a pattern that one seizure is followed by more, I am feeling well and haven't had any small auras yet, as I did for a few days after the two seizures that were posted about on April 11.


Beth N said...
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Beth N said...

Huh? April 7 to 26 is not a month and a half. You need more math, dude.

David Nemati said...

Hmm... looks like I mistook April for March. :S