Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Monthly Popcorn Ceremony

About 20 minutes ago, right now being 6:30 PM Central Time, I sat down at my desk to start doing some homework, and the fire alarm went off.

This was the third time, I think, that this has happened while I've been here. The first time it was because someone had overcooked popcorn in his microwave, hence the title of this post. The second time, the Resident Director told me that it was not popcorn, but I still haven't been told what it was. This time, someone had actually pulled the alarm. I imagine the fine for doing that should be higher than for burning popcorn and setting off the smoke detector.

So, about once a month everyone gets out of the building in the evening and waits outside the door for the fire engines to come, then looks a little while at the flashing lights, some comments are exchanged about the W's of the alarm, there is some cheering as the RD comes running over from dinner, we wait another few minutes, and then it's verified that there is no fire and we enter the dorm again.

And, as you can see, while before the alarm went off, we were on the track towards getting some work done, we are all freshly distracted after the alarm.

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