Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some Somewhat Random News

As my Fall Break draws to an end, I am trying (not quite hard enough, as you can see from the fact that I am making a post) to get an early head start on my Calculus homework.

Yesterday I received three nice things together in the mail - two DVDs, Unlocking the Mystery of Life and Darwin's Dilemma, and something I've been missing for two months: my Leatherman Micra.

Wow. Google Chrome, the browser I'm using to write this, does not have "Leatherman" in its spell check dictionary, but it does have "Featherman". But other than the funniness of the dictionary, which in truth all browsers indubitably share, Chrome is a great browser. It is faster than any of the others, and the area devoted to toolbars is nil, so there is much more of the actual site that you can see.

Last two nights I had about 10 hours of sleep each, paying off my sleep debt (or at least a good portion of it) and making me much more resilient. I hope to keep a good Circadian rhythm (regular sleep cycle) going for the rest of the semester. When I had one last fall, I temporarily stopped needing Rozerem (my Rx sleep med).

I hadn't heard the "Spike" song in a long time, and then I listened to it a few days ago. I can't really get it out of my head, but I don't really mind that. The humor, plus the memories, make it nice.

I missed yesterday morning's dose of medicine, but I don't think it's much cause for alarm. I got up after 9 AM that morning, while I usually get up around 7:30, so I don't expect the error to be repeated that easily. Also, I don't think it will cause any seizures, because as I mentioned before, the sleep I've gotten has made my brain stronger.

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