Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fun and Anger

Dad told me yesterday afternoon about climategate, the discovery of over a thousand emails between workers and data files at the Climate Research Unit, which were held from the public eye against the law of the Freedom of Information Act.

I looked into it, and it was amazing. Here are some links that I found:
Fox News gives the introduction here.
Two ideas for how the info was made public, as well as a theory of how it was possible to make it public,
A real climatologist talks about what this means
A summary of some of the files is given
here (don't be scared when you see how far you can scroll down; nearly all of it is comments by readers).
For a page with a link to a site with a searchable database of all the publicized files, click
For a page that sums up most of the important stuff, click
Some more links:
Washington Times article; Senator Inhofe will call for investigation; CEI will sue NASA for breaking Freedom of Information Act laws; Climate Research Unit fumbles for excuse; Lord Monckton shows all that is wrong
If these links and the links within them are not enough, google "climategate", and see more.

There is anger that the world has been robbed of so many trillions of dollars by these liars, but there is also joy in seeing them come to light.

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