Sunday, November 1, 2009

One More Seizure

Last night, I was eating dinner at DoubleDave's Pizzaworks, (the best pizza restaurant on the planet), with my floor chaplain Joe Bailey and his parents. We were enjoying a small veggie pizza and a large The Works pizza (you can probably guess who ate which), and I was telling Mr. and Mrs. Bailey about my epilepsy story.

I had gotten to the part of the trauma in the hospital, and then I decided to eat one slice beyond being full. I'm not sure whether having an overloaded stomach had anything to to with it, but when I was about 2/3 of the way through the slice, a harsh aura started.

I told them that a seizure was starting, and as I got out the magnet they started praying. Like the last few, I was semi-conscious the whole time, and when it ended I was not able to speak. Nothing worse happened, and I had full motor control. We went back to their car and drove back to campus. En route I tried a few times to continue the story, but I was not able to connect the thoughts and words.

When I got back spent some time relaxing in the floor lounge, watching The Two Towers on the new projector with others. After a while I left the lounge, and found that Mr. and Mrs. Bailey were still there, and since my speech had fully returned I told them the rest of the story.

Afterwards I called Mom on Skype, and told her what had happened. It was interesting that this was the first seizure since surgery that has not started while looking at a computer/TV screen.

Please keep praying. God is blessing me, as I will expound upon in the next post.

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