Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Good Break, But Another Seizure

I had a nice, long break of over five and a half weeks since the last seizures, but today I had one.

Up until today, I had not missed a single dose of my medicine, and in the past, it has often required two missed doses and something else to trigger a seizure. This morning, I missed my medicine, and at about noon (CST) I had a seizure. Right before I completely lost control to the seizure, I called "Seizure" into the hallway, and then sat/laid on my bed.

 I was awakened from the sleep that followed the seizure by paramedics taking me to the ambulance. I still am not sure who called them. On the way to the hospital, they asked me some questions (SSN, home address, parents' names, etc.), and I gradually was able to answer the questions faster. After a while, I was recovered enough from my seizure to ask to be let out. I made that request immediately after signing all the papers saying that they can treat me (irony!). I'm not sure if there was any action/cancellation of action in response to that request, but anyway I called the professor teaching my class that meets at 1:30, and left a message telling him that I would not be able to come.

The professor called back, told me that I was certainly excused from class, and that he would send someone to give me a ride back to campus. Over the next half-hour, the nasal pipes, IV things, and other gizmos were removed, and the lady the professor had sent arrived.

I went back to campus, and got in bed, and stayed there until about 4:30. I do not remember needing this much time to recover from a seizure before, so I would guess that the sleep immediately following a seizure is critical for a quick recovery. Thus, the paramedics not only gave me unneeded help, they may have actually slowed my recovery. But they're still good guys.

Until I took my evening dose, I was pretty sure that I had taken my morning dose; I didn't specifically remember taking it, but I figured that since I had been consistent every other day this semester, I must have taken it.

Anyway, since missing just one dose started a seizure, I am not in a very good state.
I'll be calling my neurologist to see if I should increase my medicines. She found during Christmas break that not enough of one med was going into my blood, and raised my dose, and I am wondering if I might need to raise it more.

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