Monday, March 29, 2010

Once a Week?

I had my third seizure this month this afternoon, at 3 PM CDT.

Saturday night I started feeling a cold. Sunday I felt optimistic that it would not last long, and I'm still hoping that it will be gone by Wednesday. Today I had a cough, a sore throat, and a headache, although all three have been getting gentler since 6 PM.

Having used up my last ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), I went to Walmart with another student, and decided to try using garlic pills. (See

I drank a lot of liquid this morning, and I hope that helped clean out my body.

Every MWF morning, students are supposed to go to a chapel event, and today's was a talk by a man from Jews for Jesus, who showed how Christianity is perfectly compatible with Judaism. At the cafeteria, at dinner, he led everyone through the Passover ceremony, and showed how the ceremony is rich with symbolism of Jesus' act of salvation.

So, overall, today has been a good day.

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