Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hello from a night guardian

Most of you probably don't know me, so let me explain first what I'm doing on this blog!  My name is Kathryn Streeter, and I am officially David's respite care worker.  I got to know the Nematis while they were attending St. Luke's a while back, and was drawn to the family's warmth and courage.  So now I am still a seminary student by day, but whenever David is in the hospital, I become a respite care worker by night.

This time around, I have been at the hospital every other night--David's brother Sam stays there on the alternate nights when I'm not there.  It's important for someone to stay overnight whenever possible, since David has historically often had seizures in the early morning.  So the night guardian's job is to sleep on a cot in David's room, and to be ready to wake up and take action if anything happens.

Most often, what happens at night is that David's pulse and blood oxygen levels vary enough to cause the monitoring machine to start beeping.  So sometimes the nurses give him oxygen, and other times we just need to adjust his eyeshades if they are partially covering his nose.  Another common nighttime occurrence is the tendency for him to scratch his head--so sometimes the nurses have to put his hands in restraints, uncomfortable for him though they may be, in order to keep him safe.

I have witnessed exactly zero of David's seizures over the past two weeks--they seem to be happening in the daytime now!--but what I have witnessed is even more of the Nemati spirit.  David remains astoundingly positive, even with probes in his brain.  The State of California pays me to be a night guardian, but Sam cheerfully does the same thing on alternate nights for no pay.  And one morning I woke up to find Beth also in the room--she had driven to the hospital at 5 am because she was worried about David and couldn't sleep.  And at that hour, she had packed some breakfast for me, too.  I am amazed by the strength and the care of this family.

So here's your behind-the-scenes glimpse into another aspect of David's hospital experience!  And bless you all for your prayers, which keep him safe by day and by night.

They are twins!

Ohhh yeahhhh! The two seizures look nearly identical on the EEG recordings. We kept getting a caveat that they need to look the same or else it means that David has two bad spots in his brain which would then mean no surgery is possible to heal him.

They still want to see a third. Dr Sutherling said that so far the probes show that either the seizures originate from the frontal or from the temporal lobe, and he hopes that another seizure might help them see which one. Temporal would be Great News as he may be able to go straight to therapeutic surgery and skip the grid. Maybe, maybe....

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Two down, one to go. Another seizure at noon today!
More Ativan as David turned a bit blue so if this pattern keeps up we'll look for another one after several more days. Maybe we should set up a pool for the day and hour--anyone? After the next one it sounds like they will send him home.
Diagnosis-wise, Dr Maleeva showed us the area on the brain where the probes picked up seizure signals. It may; be left temporal or frontal. If today's and the next one look similar they will probably recommend the grid surgery which is just like this only worse. This is good news.
Yesterday was kind of a drag and I know a lot of you who saw me prayed so THANK YOU! Everything looks so much better today. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." I needed to adjust my "leaning".

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Yow. Sunday's seizure seems to have started from deep in the frontal lobe. We have no idea what this means but it is not something we've heard about.

However, they keep telling us that they want several seizures before coming to a conclusion so it is too early to discuss this very much. At this point that sounds pretty good....

The Ativan drama goes on. I watched the video of David's seizure from Sunday. To me his seizure looked typical for him; a nurse had earlier said it was awful and I wouldn't be able to believe it! So what the nurses saw looked like something progressing dreadfully that needed medicating with Ativan. Before I realized there was such a disconnect I really pushed for delaying or reducing or substituting something else for it and it was a dead-end road. Late in the day David was able to communicate better to Dr Maleeva who said she would look into it. Hopefully they will be slower to administer that medicine as it seems to stop seizures for about 5 days in David, and we want more, sooner, while he is in the hospital.

A Little Correction, Update and Praise

In yesterday's post I mentioned that a nurse had said that Dr. Sutherling had said that Sunday's seizure started in the "front capsule", but Mom asked another, who had been with the doctor, about that, and she said that he hadn't said anything diagnostic. That is good news, because "front" would probably mean frontal lobe, and a check on Wikipedia implies that a capsule is a bundle of nerves, a highway of brain signals. Seizures starting in the frontal lobe would mean that I would need another diagnostic surgery, a grid, which would be much more intrusive than these depth electrodes (though if it's necessary, I wouldn't be too anxious), and then when the source is pinpointed, it could turn out to be something which can't be removed without causing a handicap. So, please continue to pray that the source will be pinpointed in this operation as a removable part.
Also, we were told this morning that the Ativan I was given after Sunday's seizure was necessary, because that seizure had generalized - spread through my whole brain - and if those are allowed to repeat, there is risk of status epilepticus, having seizure after seizure, frying my brain. So, I would like to add to the prayer requests that there will be no more generalized seizures, for safety and so that Ativan will not be needed and this test can be finished quickly.
Thank you all very much for your prayers and cares! I would like to be done soon, but I am feeling very well, the company at this hospital is wonderful, and every day is better! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


David is waiting with all his might for another seizure.
Apparently the seizure on Sunday went on for a while till he started turning blue so the nurse had to give him Ativan. The ativan really suppresses seizures for several days. He has felt a lot of auras, some that last a half hour which is really unusual. None have developed into seizures but something is bound to happen soon.
The surgeon Dr. Ross saw David this morning and wanted him to hurry up and have his seizures out of concern for possible infection. So one of his meds was reduced a bit more this morning.
Please pray he doesn't have such a bad seizure that he needs Ativan again.
He is in great spirits and looks good. He is even willing to tackle some of the homework that is piling up. Good Boy!!

One Down, 2-4 to go.

I've had one seizure, and it has been called a "very good" one - not that I'd ever want it at hooome - but it has supplied some good info; I just heard that Dr. Sutherling thinks the EEG shows it coming from the front capsule.
Now, to narrow things down, and to eliminate the worry that the seizures start in multiple places, I need to have at least two more seizures, to make a total of 3 to 5. And I'm very eager to have them here!
I have been feeling very good today, and my jaw muscles (which have probes going through them) are continuing to get better - I even decided they were in good enough shape to have my first burger, since I went to Connal's with the other SGA seniors on Sunday the 18th after church, for dinner.
So, please keep up the prayers! Please continue to pray that I will have seizures, starting in the anterior mesial left temporal lobe, or somewhere that can be removed, and only one place, numerous enough to make the doctors certain, and at the right times so that they can be fully recorded on the EEG without causing any hazard.
I have been feeling very good, and thank you all very much for your prayers, for helping Mom and Dad, for visiting me and for visiting this site!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


It seems like we've been waiting and waiting and here it is! At 6pm tonight Sunday he had a good seizure and it sounds like it was recorded well on the EEG. We'll know more tomorrow when the tech or doctor looks at the info.

The nurse gave him Ativan which tends to shut down seizures for a few days. We're not sure why he had to have it but we will ask about that tomorrow also.

Please PRAY that the data looks good and that it shows something good about his future prognosis. They want 3-5 good, well-recorded seizures so please also pray for more.

Thank you God for today--David was in really good spirits this morning, we enjoyed two great worship services at our church, a good seizure happened, and JPL's Phoenix landed successfully on Mars! Our cup overflows.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

God and adrenaline

The nurses here are the best. They remember David from his visit last year and it's like picking up where he left off. Last night Liz said "God and adrenaline--that's how we make it here. Mostly God." I said that's how I manage at home too.

Our care group met in David's room last night. I get overwhelmed with how blessed we are. David is getting this fabulous medical care and treatment just so he can have a normal life, and we have wonderful friends who find their way through the hospital on Friday night to encourage us and pray. And the nurses didn't complain about a rather large number of visitors!

David was kind of down after everyone left because he felt so tired and dull and not able to pray. I urged him to think of himself as the paralyzed man in the bible account whose friends did all the work of carrying him yet he got all the blessings and healing. I think he needs a lot of encouragement at this point.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hands off

David looked great today. He has recovered from surgery and is eager to have seizures and get out!
He is being naughty and scratching at his head a bit. The technician that checks on the wires was pretty unhappy and scolded him and said he could get meningitis. Oh *%^%$& I thought. We come in with one kind of epilepsy and he leaves with two, if he even survives meningitis. OK, soul, you are not going to be afraid but trust in God.
David looked sober, even sad at that warning and decided he wanted seizures asap to avoid infection. That makes sense.
He shouldn't touch his head because he has ten wounds that are holes with probes going directly into his brain. Please pray for wisdom and self-control for this boy that he will stop touching and even ask for hand restraints if that is necessary.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Good night

It sounds like David slept well last night! Bijan is going to stay with him this morning and bring a Jamba Juice--idea thanks to Colleen and Chalene. I'm going to try to have a normal day at home and taking Sam out to class in the afternoon.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I love this job

Yesterday had a lot of challenges and we're still standing. Figuratively---David right now is tied to a chair for safety. He is feeling pretty good especially since I brought his computer to him so he has something to do. It's amazing he can sit up and isn't suffering any headache.

Anyway, he needed a LOT of care yesterday. His jaw hurt and he didn't care about eating so I had to coax him and feed him. I haven't been able to do that in a while! But I doubt he'll go for that today. The meds they brought for him were not exactly right a couple times so that took some effort to point out. In fact they were going to skip his whole 9pm dose of epilepsy medicine as they thought it had been given. Bijan said I have job security--yessss!

Around 3pm yesterday we finally got him the right kind and amount of pain medication and he rested really well for a few hours. When he woke up I had gone home for a couple hours for dinner. The funny thing is that David didn't really remember me being here much yesterday and sounded lonely this morning.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good morning

David feels much better this morning. He is in much less pain. Now he is irritated by little things rather than by a throbbing head, which seems good.

He says:
Last night was rather difficult but now I'm feeling pretty good.

He had a huge seizure at 6 am today so they gave him a big dose of Ativan, then another big dose of it at 8:30 so he would make it through an MRI w/o a seizure. The stuff makes him kind of edgy but he is doing really well. Edgy for him is not too bad.

The techs hooked up his wires. He has ten probes with 7 or 8 wires each so it's a big bundle going into the EEG.

Now I have to order him some lunch and get him eating and drinking so they can get him off IV fluids.

Overall everything is going well and he is getting good care.

Monday, May 19, 2008

He ain't smilin' much

I just saw David for the first time today. He looked like he felt pretty bad. His head hurt. He threw up so they gave him some medicine for that. But I got one smile out of him, when I said "you've waited eight years for this day!" He liked being told that tomorrow would be better. He said he was tired and started falling asleep after a little while so that was it. I hope you sleep well, sweetie.

Resting in the ICU

Well, I just got to see David in the ICU. He is sleepy but we got to talk a little bit. Apparently he woke up wanting to get up, and they had to sedate him a little bit to calm him down. But he looked good when I saw him and wanted to know about the pictures we took this morning. He said he was pretty sleepy. His head has a fairly neat and compact cap/covering. There is one nurse per two patients here so he gets watched a lot. His nurse, Amy, said he will stay here tonight so they can watch him closely.

He's out now and fine!!

David did fine. The surgeon came out a few minutes ago and told Bijan that it went very well.

Dr. Ross did apologize for it taking so long -- said the equipment didn't work well at first or something like that. That keeps it interesting, doesn't it?

Thank you for praying. Thank you God.

David wrote this morning:
I'm outside the admitting room at Huntington Hospital. We got here rather early (planning to arrive ~5:30, expecting to leave ~5:00, but actually leaving around 4:45). I've been feeling good this morning. The Ativan I took last night (accidentally--I'd planned on taking it this morning) probably helped me wake up, right about 4:30. It was funny, right before I woke up, I was having a dream that it was 7:50 or so this morning, and I was still in bed, and then I got up and told Mom "if we leave right now we'll be just in time for the surgery!" Hmm, but the surgery is scheduled for 7:30 not 8:30. Ahh, I enjoy being eager for this operation, and hope Mom will be relieved of her anxiety.

He's in now

David made it in to surgery smoothly and is there now. The surgeon gave him a buzz cut and got him ready then Bijan had to go and is waiting in the waiting room. Hopefully napping--they got out of the house at 4:40 am. It only takes 15 minutes and they were supposed to be there at 5:30. David must have been really eager--this is not normal for him, at all!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Eyes on the Prize

David and Bijan are ready to head out early in the morning.

We'll keep the blog posted as we are able.

Church this morning was delightful. Thank you to all the dear ones who gathered around David afterward to pray for him! We are like the "paralytic" man in the bible story whose friends carried him on a pallet and even dug through the roof to lower him to Jesus. They did all the work but he got all the blessings and affirmation and the healing.

We are so thankful to have the prize of a healed David to press toward, but even more we are thankful that we can press on to grow in knowing and trusting God. Thank you, Lynn Baird and the music guys for an amazing morning of singing and preaching. It really was amazing.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

On Track for Monday, cont.

Thank you very much for your prayers!
Yesterday and today have been especially good days, and I think Mom has been less troubled. Thank you for helping me with the Mother's Day gift.
Please continue to pray that Mom will feel easy as my surgery approaches, and that I will have no last minute anxiety - I might be sensing that right now.

God bless you, and once again thank you for your prayers,
David Nemati

Friday, May 16, 2008

On track for Monday

David is ready. We filled out paperwork at the hospital yesterday. He's healthy, free of ibuprofen, illicit drugs, (such a hard one for him ha ha), doesn't need a social worker in his life, and is eager to get in there at 5:30 am Monday.

Yesterday was not fun--I woke up at 5am and felt fearful about David. Was overbusy anyway and the car had to go to the repair shop. Hubby thought I'd said we'd be back from David and Sam's class at 2:30 to get the car but I'd said 4pm. D and S didn't come back from class when I expected and there was no cell phone reception. 95 degrees outside. I fully expected to wreck the car on the freeway but it didn't happen so it wasn't that bad a day after all. Though David might want me to have a social worker.

Today was a fun day for us as we saw Prince Caspian open at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood, along with a big group of friends, then came home and had naps.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Better are five days like this

David had a seizure yesterday afternoon. He gets warnings (auras) when he seems to be vulnerable and has had some serious auras lately. Finally it was like the storm broke. Hopefully it won't turn into a series. He feels good now and there's a lot going on between now and Monday. And God is caring for us! He'll steer this ship. We feel the prayers and love. I think we'd rather be here than anywhere. It reminds me of the verse in Psalm 84 "better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere."
But we're still counting the days....

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Little Help With a Mother's Day Gift?

Yesterday I had a lot of thank-you's to give my Mom, as you can see by the rest of this blog, and one of the biggest ones was, of course, bearing so much of the difficulty of my epilepsy; talking to the doctors, taking me to appointments, dealing with insurance (!), always being ready in case I have a seizure, living with me having the side effects of all those medicines, and more.
So, last night I promised to pray for her, that she would have strength to deal with it all, and she was very happy. The thought came to my mind to spread the prayer request. I don't lack faith that God will listen to my prayers, but it would be a comfort that my voice is not calling alone, and that if I ever forget (memory trouble comes with seizures and some medicines), someone else will still be praying.
Thank you, Happy Mothers' Day all moms, and God bless!

Friday, May 9, 2008

And More Smiles

Today has gone well, too.
Though I stayed up till about 11 last night (homework.), I slept till about 8, so I've been purty well rested. I wasn't able to go to the hospital on the 6th, but God knows best. He may be giving me an opportunity to grow stronger.
Thank you for your prayers! God is good!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


This is great...I know people are praying and I wish I could say thank you. David slept well and woke up smiling, and said his night of sleep was "Great!"

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Eleven to go

Not that we are counting the days, or anything.
David felt a seizure coming on today but it didn't develop. Yeaaa!
He hates Ativan.
He doesn't feel like he is sleeping very well.
We increased the dose of one of his other meds starting this morning so maybe that will help him sleep better and have fewer auras/seizures.
Please pray for the poor boy.
Thank you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thirteen days to go

Now I have accepted that surgery won't happen today. But we prayed for Deborah who had the surgery appointment this morning.
We have to hang in there till Monday 5/19.
David had a seizure today. He has nearly had one a few times over the weekend so the storm was brewing. I gave him some Ativan but he doesn't feel too good with it so if this keeps up we may need to find something else so he can be more comfortable.

Monday, May 5, 2008

It Is Earlier...

The news was that my appointment was moved from the 20th to the 19th.
One less day!
Mom also told me that she told R.C. that "we are ready", in case any earlier opportunity opens. :)

Might Be Tomorrow...

Miss R. C. from the doctor's office just called and asked to talk to Mom, and asked for her cell phone number when she heard that she's not here. Before Mom left, she asked me to call her if R. C. called with news that I'll have tomorrow's appointment. I asked if I could leave a message, but she wanted to talk to Mom - making it uncertain at the moment whether it's the hoped-for news, but also giving evidence that it's something important that the parents need to know promptly.
I'll call Mom in a few minutes and then follow up on this post.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Steady On

It looks like we will have to hang in there for two more weeks. David did really well this week but this weekend he has had almost-seizures three times. He would feel like one was coming and go sit somewhere but they never developed. We have Ativan and gave him a little bit. It seems to really clamp down on the seizure activity.

But also--Tuesday hasn't come and gone yet. I am still hoping and will listen for the phone tomorrow just in case something happens so that he can go this Tuesday after all.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Surprise Change of Plans

We got a call this morning from the surgeon's office, with news that I will have my original appointment - May 20. It is a surprise, and somewhat of a disappointment after the excited anticipation, but it appears to be God's plan, so so be it.
It will mean absence from graduation, but it also will mean that I can directly attend my classes and have more time to set up things to be present with Webcam.

Thank you all for your prayers, and please continue!
God bless,
David Nemati

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beautiful Sleep!

David's sleep has been getting better and better. Today he woke up looking really good. Ahhhhh.