Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I love this job

Yesterday had a lot of challenges and we're still standing. Figuratively---David right now is tied to a chair for safety. He is feeling pretty good especially since I brought his computer to him so he has something to do. It's amazing he can sit up and isn't suffering any headache.

Anyway, he needed a LOT of care yesterday. His jaw hurt and he didn't care about eating so I had to coax him and feed him. I haven't been able to do that in a while! But I doubt he'll go for that today. The meds they brought for him were not exactly right a couple times so that took some effort to point out. In fact they were going to skip his whole 9pm dose of epilepsy medicine as they thought it had been given. Bijan said I have job security--yessss!

Around 3pm yesterday we finally got him the right kind and amount of pain medication and he rested really well for a few hours. When he woke up I had gone home for a couple hours for dinner. The funny thing is that David didn't really remember me being here much yesterday and sounded lonely this morning.


Unknown said...

Good Afternoon David:

How are you doing? I hope and I pray very soon you be out of this. Unfortunately, I am far away from you and can not see you and I am not of any help in this situation. All I can do is to prey for you. Love, Grandpa Nasser.

Carol R. said...

We're praying for you, David. Hope you have a "good" seizure soon.

Beth N said...

Wednesday May 21: He looks like he is better but didn't sleep very well last night. In the afternoon he seemed to get a good nap. He was happy to get his laptop and start goofing around. Don't tell Mr McElrath or Mr Perry....