My classes are:
- Calculus 3
- English Composition 1
- Intro to Psychology
- Concepts of Lifetime Fitness (Fatness, for short)
- General Chemistry 1 Lab
- Cornerstones of Life and Learning
I am loving the Chem Lab and the Intro to Psychology, Comp 1 and Calculus are also good, and Fatness and Cornerstones are alright.
The order I put the classes in in terms of importance in my mind is something like
- Calculus
- English
- Psychology
- Chem lab
- Fatness
- Cornerstones
I am expecting an A in Calc and Chem lab, at least high or solid B's in English and Psychology, and while the secant lines of my progress in Cornerstones and Fatness are heading toward C's, I'm fixing to fix those. I am hoping for straight A's, but the above is what I might get if everything keeps going as it has been.
Thus, Cornerstones, which is supposed to be a light, easy class to help students get started, is not getting enough attention and I'm relying on the professor's mercy, allowing late assignments, a bit too much for the comfort of my conscience.
So, please pray for me that I will be able to correctly understand all of the assignments, remember everything I need to do, find time for each, and understand how to do quick jobs rather than perfectionist work where quick work is needed.
Thank you very much,
Or, as they call me here on my floor,
PS. Did you notice my light touch of deliberate Texan-ness in the previous post?
I was fixing to say something about the y'all.
I have found the verb "fixing" to fill in a gap in the English language. "I was thinking of.." or "I was planning to..." or "I was hoping to..." ain't [;)] quite as good; there is a more universal applicability to "fixing". That word fulfills a need.
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