Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to normal

David recovered really quickly from all those seizures, so that is really something we are thankful for. Having 8+ seizures in a set used to fry his brain and it would take weeks to recover.

Thanks for the love and prayers! We'll keep the blog more up to date.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

If I ever get outta here...

he goes to church. What a guy. David did not want to go into the hospital and couldn't wait to get out. He was discharged this morning in time to get to church.

His seizures didn't bother him much which is amazing since he had 8 (?) that people counted and perhaps more in his sleep.

He is back in his dorm room now talking to me on Skype and looks great. You scared us, dude!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sam he is!

We do so like that Sam I Am. Somehow a lot of our friends haven't really believed that Sam went to a small engineering college in east Texas. He really did. He is David's roommate, partly so he could be of service when times get tough for David.

Sam has been heroic since yesterday afternoon. He has been David's constant companion and a key part of his healthcare team. God is good. Thanks, Sam.

Getting better

David hasn't had any more seizures today and is resting. He feels good enough that he is impatient to go but the doctor said he could be discharged Sunday morning.

Things are bad right now

After a great 5 weeks, David started a cluster of seizures yesterday afternoon. He has now had 7 total in about 18 hours. He was hospitalized last night.

The neurologist there (Longview, Texas) is apparently going to contact David's own neurologist here this morning to coordinate the care. Our neurologist does not like lots of seizures so hopefully they will figure out something soon that will help.

We're not sure why this is happening. David has a cold coming on which always gives him trouble, but not this much trouble. He had a scoop of ice cream and some M&Ms just before this started, but those things haven't given him too much trouble either.