Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Getting Even Better

At least two and a half months, and no seizures! During the past month or two, I've even caught a couple colds without having any seizures - which Mom tells me is unprecedented.

I'm now halfway through my second to last week of taking Trileptal. It's an anticonvulsant I've been taking for several years, which proved better than what it was replacing. However, as I mentioned in the last post, I'm phasing out of it and into Vimpat, and the side effects are getting noticeably better. I've long been slow at finding words, but I and my family have noticed it speeding up.

Prayer request: in the past, when transitioning from one med to another, things have gone well until a couple weeks after stopping the old one. Then I have a short burst of seizures. Pray that that will not happen.

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